
Terms of Service

Please take a moment to thoroughly review and read our Terms of Service for Users and our Terms of Service for Developers to ensure that you are fully aware of and complying with our Terms of Service. Below, you will find detailed information on both documents.

1. Terms of Service for 'Users'

By accessing and using the website https://APPBunny.tv, including its subdomains and sections known as 'Dream Playstore', or by downloading any computer programs from Dream Playstore, you are agreeing to abide by these terms of use. Please note that if there are specific conditions set by Dream Playstore Technologies for certain content, services, or products, those conditions will take precedence over these terms of use in case of any conflicts.

These terms of use are divided into two sections:
1. General website terms of use that apply to all of Dream Playstore and its products and services.
2. Intellectual and industrial property rights of Dream Playstore content and contributions made by developers or users.

If you use Dream Playstore in a way that violates any part of these terms of use or any other section of the website, you will be held responsible for any losses or damages incurred by Dream Playstore Technologies, Additionally, you agree to indemnify and protect Dream Playstore Technologies, its administrators, staff, agents, and representatives from any claims that may arise due to your noncompliance.

    1. Objective of the General Terms of Use

      Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. offers the user via Dream Playstore, or may offer in the future, the services, products, and complementary facilities as detailed below:

      1. A Access to a respository of software content classified by category. This includes the download of software from Dream Playstore’s servers with the highest assurance of availability and/or speed that this may involve. In no case does this imply the sale of a license nor possession of intellectual property rights for the program, the use of which will be subject to the license, conditions, and restrictions imposed by the developer or intellectual property rights holder.
      2. B Search service for software content on the Dream Playstore library and directory.
      3. C Direct email update service for new programs and updates.
      4. D Periodic newsletter service for registered users covering new developments and information related to the sector or to Dream Playstore.
      5. E Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. may, at some point, provide additional services or facilities, either free or paid.
    2. Liability for the processing and use of content

      Dream Playstore does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness, or morality of the data, programs, information, or opinions included on the site and in particular those expressed or entered in user forums or opinions. However, users may report presumed abuses or inappropriate uses of the site to allow Dream Playstore to review the corresponding content. In relation to the content and programs available for free download, Dream Playstore limits itself to offering an intermediary service, as established in Article 17 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (‘LSSI’), by providing links and search content, while not assuming liability for said content beyond the cases expressly provided for in the aforementioned law; that is, Dream Playstore shall only accept liability when it (i) has actual knowledge that the activity or information being reported or referred is illegal or harms the assets or rights of a third party covered by compensation, and (ii) has not acted with diligence to remove or disable the corresponding link. The service provider shall be understood to have actual knowledge when a competent authority has declared the data illegal or ordered its withdrawal, or access to said data has become impossible, or the existence of the damage has been declared, and the service provider is aware of the corresponding resolution.

      An identical system to the one established in the previous paragraph applies to other links to third-party sites that may be available on Dream Playstore. The inclusion of such links does not imply any relationship, recommendation, or supervision by Dream Playstore of the destination page, and Dream Playstore therefore accepts no liability for its content, except in such cases as expressly established in the LSSI.

      The apps published on Dream Playstore are products created by their respective developers. This website is not directly affiliated with them. All of the brands, trademarks, product and company names or logos mentioned here are property of their respective owners. Our download site and app distribute original, unaltered software, which is obtained directly from the developers’ websites and is not modified in any way.

      The user assumes as his or her exclusive liability any consequences, damages, or actions that may arise from accessing, playing, or disseminating said content. It is the responsibility of the user to verify, prior to downloading, the compatibility of the program with his or her computer and other applications, as well as its features and the advantages of downloading and installing the program on his or her system. Likewise, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the download and use of Dream Playstore content is legal and appropriate in the user’s location and personal circumstances.

      Dream Playstore shall not be held liable for the infringements of any developer, programmer, or user that affect the rights of another Dream Playstore user, or of a third party, including rights related to copyright, trademarks, patents, confidential information, or any other intellectual or industrial property rights.

      This limited guarantee and limitation of liability mentioned in the preceding paragraphs shall neither affect nor prejudice the obligatory rights extended by place of residence and applicable by direct application of Spanish mandatory law or by the forwarding of Spanish law to the laws of another jurisdiction for specific cases.

    3. Developer programs available via Dream Playstore

      Dream Playstore allows the developers of the programs available for download on its platform to boost their visibility and reach a greater number of users. Except in cases where specific agreements exist with the developers, Dream Playstore’s activity is limited to providing access and impartial information prepared by professionals about the different applications. Dream Playstore shall at all times maintain links to the websites of the original developer. However, Dream Playstore shall quickly honor any written request from a developer to withdraw access to the developer’s products from the Dream Playstore site.

    4. Unauthorized use of the Dream Playstore website or its content

      The user may not employ the facilities and capacities of the Dream Playstore site to carry out or propose activities prohibited by law, or to attempt to attract site users to competitor services, or to advertise the sale of products or services for commercial purposes. The user shall refrain from interfering with Dream Playstore or other users’ use of the Dream Playstore site, and in particular from impersonating another user or person while using the portal. Likewise, the user agrees not to add information to forums that is not relevant to that particular forum.

      Access via robots and/or scripts to access, copy, or control any part of Dream Playstore are prohibited without the express prior authorization of Dream Playstore.

      It is strictly prohibited to add serial numbers, cracked software, or similar information, as well as links to pages that include them, in Dream Playstore’s forums or comments. The IP addresses of offenders shall be saved and appropriate legal measures taken against them. Likewise, the user shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with these clauses by any person he or she authorizes to use the service.

    5. Liability of Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. for the operation of Dream Playstore



    6. Service suspensions

      Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. may unilaterally cease to provide to any or all users the services and/or products offered via the Dream Playstore website.

      In cases of service interruption to a particular user, a simple notification to the user shall suffice for said interruption, for any situation involving noncompliance with the terms of use or with any applicable regulation. The user accepts that Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. shall incur no liability on the occasion of a suspension on these terms.

      Additionally, Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. may at any time, and incurring no liability, vary the content of Dream Playstore, interrupt the provision of all or some services, and/or deactivate or delete all or some user accounts without further limitations beyond those established by applicable laws on the requirement to maintain logs of certain operations during the corresponding legal time periods.

    7. Applicable law and jurisdiction

      The present terms of use are subject to Spanish legislation and to the extent to which the law does not establish an obligatory jurisdiction for a particular case the parties are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Málaga in everything related to them.

    1. Rights to Dream Playstore content

      The user acknowledges that the elements and utilities integrated into the Dream Playstore website include content belonging to Dream Playstore, content from third-party developers, and content created by users themselves. Content belonging to Dream Playstore (including, with no limitation, the trademarks, logos, Dream Playstore site HTML code, design, and program descriptions and remaining content) and content from third-party developers are protected by intellectual and/or industrial property legislation.

      The user therefore commits to respect the terms and conditions established in the present general conditions of use and the corresponding licenses for the use of the content from third- party developers available on Dream Playstore. The user acknowledges that the reproduction, modification, transformation, public communication or distribution, including without limitation the commercialization, decompilation, disassembling, utilization of reverse engineering techniques or any other method to obtain the source code of the website and/or applications available on it, and transformation or publication of any unauthorized test result for any of the elements or utilities integrated into the Dream Playstore website constitutes an infraction of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, and the user is therefore obligated to refrain from engaging in any of the aforementioned actions.

      The user agrees to neither remove nor alter any distinctive sign used as a trademark or commercial name (graphics, logos, etc.), identifying feature of an element protected by copyright, or other notices, captions, symbols, or labels of Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. or of third parties that appear on the Dream Playstore website.

    2. Use of the content and applications available on Dream Playstore

      Unless prior agreement between the rights holder and the user stipulates otherwise, the user agrees to utilize the information and applications available on Dream Playstore exclusively for his or her own needs and to neither directly nor indirectly engage in commercial exploitation of the products and/or services to which he or she has access, or of the results obtained due to utilization of the Dream Playstore website.

    3. Prohibited conduct

      The user shall abstain from any conduct in the use of the Dream Playstore website that jeopardizes the intellectual and industrial property rights of Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. or of third parties; or that infringes or transgresses the honor, personal or family intimacy, or the image of third parties; or that is illicit or damaging to morality.

      In particular, and without implying any limitation, the user shall abstain from engaging, via the use of the Dream Playstore website, in any destruction, alteration, disablement, or damage to the electronic data, programs, or documents belonging to Dream Playstore Technologies S.L., to its providers, or to third parties, nor shall the user introduce or spread on the network any programs, viruses, applets, Active X controls, or any physical or electronic instrument or device that causes or is susceptible to causing any kind of alteration to the network, the system, or third-party computers. Likewise, it is expressly prohibited to engage in any type of activity or practice that violates the principles of good conduct generally accepted amongst Internet users.

    4. Content uploaded on Dream Playstore by the user

      The user is solely responsible for all materials uploaded, posted, e-mailed, or added in any other way by him or her to Dream Playstore (‘User Content’). The user certifies that he or she holds all intellectual and/or industrial property rights to User Content. By using the website and in exchange for the broadcasting of the corresponding content, the user cedes to Dream Playstore Technologies S.L. and its associated and linked companies, as well as its collaborators, an irrevocable, free, and non-exclusive global license, liable for sublicense, for a duration equal to the duration of the corresponding rights, to reproduce, transform, distribute, or publicly transmit User Content on Dream Playstore and the pages of its affiliates, related firms, and/or collaborators. Dream Playstore may distribute User Content to other users or make any other future use of it via any medium and/or procedure and in any format.

    5. Requirement to report noncompliance

      Any presumed infraction of intellectual or industrial property rights carried out on Dream Playstore and identified by a user should be reported to Dream Playstore by sending an email that includes a description of the presumed infraction to the following address: contact@appbunny.tv.


All purchases of Apps are final. We do not accept returns of Apps. Once you have made a purchase in an App, we encourage you to download (if applicable) and access it promptly to be sure you have received it. If you are unable to complete a download or access an App, please contact Uptown customer service for assistance. Once you purchase an item in an App and the App makes it available to you, you bear responsibility for completing the download (if applicable) and for all risk of loss after downloading or accessing the App, including any loss due to a mobile device malfunction.

You may not use the Services and may not accept the Terms if: (a) you are not of legal age to form a binding contract with Dream Playstore, or (b) you are a person barred from receiving the Services under the laws of the country in which you are resident or from which you use the Services.

Dream Playstore Services enable you to access, browse, download applications and make purchases within the apps for devices running the Android operative system ("Apps"). Apps include any content, ads, services, technology, data, in-app products and other digital materials included in or made available through an App (including after you download it). Apps also include any updates, upgrades and other changes and versions that you later use or download from us. The party that provides an App to us for distribution is the “Publisher” of the App, which may be the developer, owner or an user of such App. Most of the Apps we make available on the Dream Playstore Services are provided and licensed to you by third-party Publishers.

Apps may include offers for digital products that are intended to be accessed or used within an App, such as additional or enhanced functionality, media content, or subscription access to content or services (“In-App Products”). None of the products and services available for purchase within an App are Dream Playstore Services. Dream Playstore is not a party to, and has no responsibility for, any payment or purchase transactions you make through an App.

You also agree that the information collected, processed and stored by Dream Playstore in relation to you may be used by Dream Playstore as a consideration of the provision of Services to you. In consideration for Dream Playstore granting you access and use of the Services, you agree that Dream Playstore may collect and process personal data referring to you related with your use of the Services. For more information about the data collected and processed by the Services, please consult our Privacy Notice, available

In App Purchases

1. Apps may include offers for digital products that are intended to be accessed or used within an App, such as additional or enhanced functionality, media content, or subscription access to content or services (from here on known as “In-App Products”). None of the products and services available for purchase within an App are Dream Playstore Services. Dream Playstore is not a party to, and has no responsibility for, any payment or purchase transactions you make through an App.

2. Dream Playstore may have subsidiaries and affiliates around the world. Sometimes, these companies shall provide the Services to you on behalf of Dream Playstore itself. By agreeing to these Terms, you acknowledge and consent to Subsidiaries and Affiliates being entitled to provide the Services to you.

3. All purchases of Apps or digital goods within Apps are final. We do not accept App returns or refunds. Once you have purchased an App or an item within an App, we encourage you to download (if applicable) and access it promptly to be sure you have received it. Once you purchase an App or a good within an App and we make it available to you, you bear the responsibility for completing the download (if applicable) and for all risk of loss after downloading or accessing the App, including any loss due to a mobile device malfunction.

External Graphic Resources

Thanks to our friends from Freepik.com and Flaticon.com for so great icons and service :).

ANNEX 1. Terms & Conditions for purchases of Apps

If not expressly defined in this Annex 1, all terms in caps herein shall have the same meaning that they have in the Terms of Use for Dream Playstore.com this Annex I is attached to.

These terms and conditions for purchases of Apps (“Terms”) govern the distribution by Dream Playstore of applications through its store (the “Store”) in the website https://www..Dream Playstore.com/ or any other related domains controlled by Dream Playstore (“Website”). Apps may include offers for digital products that are intended to be accessed or used within an App, such as additional or enhanced functionality, media content, or subscription access to content or services (“In-App Products”). References in these terms applicable to the Apps includes any In-App Products which are available within the relevant App. Unless we expressly provide otherwise the same terms apply to the initial distribution of an App and to the In-App Products available through that App. The Store is an online marketplace that Dream Playstore has created and operates which allows end users to access, purchase and use Apps.

When you download the applications offered in the Store (the “Apps”) or purchase any In-App Products for the Apps, you enter into a separate purchase contract based on these Terms (as applicable) with the seller which will be Dream Playstore Technologies S.L.

The user undertakes to read these Terms before completing any order for Apps through the Store. We assume that by completing the purchasing process through the Store, the user has read and accepted, without any objection, these Terms.

Dream Playstore may modify at any moment these Terms. Each purchase will be governed by the Terms applicable on the date the order was placed. The date at the beginning of these Terms indicates the date in which they were last amended.

Unless it is otherwise expressly stated, these Terms do not limit the Terms of Use for Dream Playstore.com which will also apply to the user. Likewise, in relation to the processing of personal data, the Privacy Policy applies.

These Terms are available in English.

These Terms are available for users prior to the making of any order for Apps and can be stored or reproduced on a durable support.

1. Apps
The Apps available for purchase are offered through the Store where all the information about the Apps, including their price, will be available. The information about In-App Products for an App may be available within the App.

Dream Playstore will decide which Apps are available through the Store at every moment, offering new Apps (to which, unless otherwise stated, these Terms will apply) or ceasing to offer any App.

If the user wishes to purchase an App, he/she shall simply follow the instructions that will be provided within the Store or the App itself. Any specific information, term or conditions shown or made available to the user during the purchasing process will apply to that particular transaction.

Neither the App nor the In-App Products are Dream Playstore’s products or services but products or services of the relevant developer for each App.

2. Prices
Prices for the Apps offered in the Store are in Euro (unless another currency is specified for a specific transaction) and they are inclusive, when applicable, of the relevant VAT based on the residency of the user and delivery location. The user will be informed of the final price including any expenses, prior to making any payment. Dream Playstore may charge a fixed fee in relation to payment services offered through the Store and such fee shall be displayed and made available to the user.

Dream Playstore reserves the right to change the prices of the Apps at any time. However, Dream Playstore will always apply the price in force at the time the order was made by the user. The user is responsible for any duties, customs fees, levies or taxes (other than income tax) (the “Taxes”) associated with the purchase of the Apps. If Dream Playstore must collect or pay Taxes, the Taxes will be charged to the user. The user must comply with any and all applicable tax regulations, including the reporting and payment of any Taxes arising in connection with the purchase of the Apps on the Store. The reporting and payment of any such applicable Taxes is the sole responsibility of the user.

3. Payment
The user may pay the price for the App he/she wishes to acquire using any of the payment methods offered during the process. In order to complete the payments the user shall comply with the instructions that will appear on the screen and with the terms applicable by the relevant provider of the payment method. Credit cards payments are made using "Secure Socket Layer", which encrypts the credit cards details that are transmitted over the internet.

The App will not be dispatched until payment has been received by Dream Playstore or the transaction has been duly authorized by the corresponding financial intermediary.

4. Confirmation
Once the order is complete, the user will be provided with a summary of the order so that it can be reviewed before he/she accepts it. Once the order has been accepted by the user, a screen or an email will confirm that the transaction has been processed correctly. Additionally, the user may access the record of transactions completed in the Store by accessing [*] at the Website.

Likewise, as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours after accepting the order from the user, an email to the email address specified by the user will be sent with a receipt of the transaction completed.

In relation to certain transactions, Dream Playstore will send the invoice to the user automatically in an email.

5. Right to withdraw from the contract
According to applicable regulations, the right to withdraw will not apply to the purchase of the Apps. Except as expressly set out in the Website , all purchases are final, and no returns, replacements or refunds are permitted. If a replacement, return or refund is granted for any transaction, the transaction may be reversed, and the user may no longer be able to access the App that the user acquired through that transaction.

Once the user has purchased an App, Dream Playstore encourages the user to download (if applicable) and access it promptly to be sure it has received it. Once the user purchases an App or a good within an App and Dream Playstore makes it available to the user, the user bear responsibility for completing the download (if applicable) and for all risk of loss after downloading or accessing the App, including any loss due to a mobile device malfunction, to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law.

6. General and contact information
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the sale of the Apps shall be governed by the common laws of Spain.

If any provision in these Terms is declared to be invalid or null, it shall be deemed that it had not been included. The remaining provisions in these Terms shall not be affected in anyway.

2. Terms of Service for 'Developers'


    For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms will have the following meanings:

    - Application or Applications: applications, software, games or any other digital material distributed or offered by the Developers through Dream Playstore.
    - Developer: any natural person, legal entity, company, partnership, trust, fund or vehicle who uses Dream Playstore to offer and distribute (directly or by authorizing its distribution) Applications through Dream Playstore in accordance with this Agreement.
    - Developer Account: a publication account provided by Dream Playstore to a Developer which allows it to use Dream Playstore and upload and distribute Applications through Dream Playstore.
    - Device or Devices: any IT equipment including without limitation smartphones, tablets, televisions, devices for “automotive use” or of any other type that can be used to access Dream Playstore and to download Applications offered through Dream Playstore.
    - Dream Playstore: the software owned by or licensed to Dream Playstore and services provided by Dream Playstore (or Dream Playstore Affiliates or third parties in the terms set forth by Dream Playstore), including, without limitation, the web, the Dream Playstore’s native application for Android, and Dream Playstore’s native AppStore for Android; which allows Developers to upload, offer and distribute Applications directly to the Devices of Users, including any in-app payment or other features provided or offered by Dream Playstore through the software.
    - User or Users: any user of Dream Playstore.
    - Dream Playstore: Dream Playstore Technologies24
    - Dream Playstore Affiliates: any entity controlling, controlled by or under common control with Dream Playstore, where control means the direct or indirect ownership of more than 50% of such entity’s capital or equivalent voting rights.
    1. These terms form an agreement (the “Agreement”) that constitutes a legally binding contract between the Developer and Dream Playstore regarding the use of Dream Playstore by the Developer and the upload and/or offer and/or distribution to Users of Applications by the Developer through Dream Playstore. By using Dream Playstore, the Developer can make Applications available to Users. By means of this Agreement, Dream Playstore will host the Application, but not any content provided through the same that it is not included in the Application.

      In the event there is a separate written agreement between the Developer and Dream Playstore regarding the distribution of the Applications through Dream Playstore and there is any inconsistency between such separate written agreement and this Agreement, such separate written agreement shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

      During the term of this Agreement, the Developer expressly consents to and authorises:

      - That Dream Playstore displays the Applications (and the materials provided together with the Applications) and makes them available to the Users, so the Users can view its description, download, install, use and/or update them. This authorization applies to Dream Playstore.com website, the Dream Playstore native application for Android and its native AppStore for Android as well as any of the official Dream Playstore Technologies, S.L. content channels, any API or technology that allows third parties to access and display the Applications.

      - That Dream Playstore creates material such as videos, images or texts about the Applications, and uses any material within the Application or provided or published by the Developer, in order to promote through any mean Dream Playstore and the availability of the Applications within Dream Playstore.

      In order to use Dream Playstore and upload, offer and distribute the Applications, the Developer must agree to this Agreement and register with a Developer Account. The Developer cannot access and use Dream Playstore if it does not accept this Agreement or a separate written agreement in addition to this Agreement, and registers with and activates the Developer Account. The Developer undertakes to provide complete and accurate information through the Developer Account and to keep it up to date at all times, which shall be processed by Dream Playstore in accordance with the privacy policy in https://en.Dream Playstore.com/aboutus/privacy. The Developer is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the credentials and passwords of the Developer Account. The Developer agrees that it will be solely responsible for all activities under its Developer Account. If the Developer becomes aware of, or suspects of, any unauthorized use of its credentials and/or password of its Developer Account, it must notify it immediately to Dream Playstore Technologies, S.L.

    2. The Developer represents and warrants that it has full capacity and is authorized to enter into this Agreement, and that it does not conflict with any other contract or obligation to which it is subject.

      If an individual consents to this Agreement on behalf of a Developer who is an entity, company, partnership, trust, fund or vehicle, such individual represents and warrants that he/she has the full legal authority to bind such Developer. If he/she does not have the necessary legal authority, he/she shall not consent to the Agreement and the Developer shall not be allowed to use Dream Playstore.

  3. USE OF Dream Playstore BY THE DEVELOPER

    The Developer shall access and use Dream Playstore only as necessary for the purposes under this Agreement. The Developer shall not use Dream Playstore in any manner inconsistent with this Agreement or which infringes third party rights or violates any applicable laws or regulations.

    The Developer shall not engage in any activity that interferes with, disrupts, damages or accesses in an unauthorised manner Dream Playstore, the Devices, servers, networks or other properties or services of Dream Playstore, Dream Playstore Affiliates or any third party.

    The Developer shall be responsible for providing the files and uploading its Application or Applications (together with any descriptions, images, icons, url addresses and videos) to Dream Playstore, providing all the necessary information about each Application and delivering assistance for any matter of the Applications not related with Dream Playstore, as well as accurately representing and conveying the required authorizations for the Applications to properly work with the Users’ Devices. The Developer is responsible for retaining a back-up copy of the files and materials provided.

    When providing the files and materials of the Applications, the Developer shall ensure that they comply with the policies and publication criteria in effect in Dream Playstore and shall not hide nor misrepresent any features of the Applications from such review. Compliance with such policies and criteria is a condition of essence of this Agreement.

    The Applications shall be subject to the Dream Playstore evaluation and quality assurance process to ensure its compliance with policies and publication criteria and with this Agreement (without any obligation of monitoring for Dream Playstore and without limiting any warranty granted by the Developer under the Agreement). Such policies and publication criteria may be reviewed and updated from time to time with a reasonable prior notice. If the Developer changes any Application after providing it to Dream Playstore, it must resubmit it again for the above evaluation purposes. The Developer agrees to cooperate in the evaluation process and to answer questions and provide information and materials reasonably requested for such purpose. If the Application is rejected after the above process, the Developer will be duly notified.

    The Developer represents and warrants it shall have the sole responsibility for its Applications and for its upload, offer and distribution through Dream Playstore and that Dream Playstore does not have any responsibility towards the Developer nor towards third parties in relation to such Applications nor for the consequences of the Developer’s actions, including any damage or loss that Dream Playstore may experience.

    The Developer shall be solely responsible for the appropriate operation, for any and all warranties, for User assistance and for supporting each of the Applications. The Developer shall provide valid and accurate contact information to Users in the Application for customer support and legal purposes, which shall be answered expeditiously.

    The Applications must be able to be installed and work in Devices and in accordance with its description, without causing any adverse effect. The Developer shall be responsible for the Applications, including its administration, management, maintenance and updating and for providing support to Users. The Developer will use all reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that any fault in or of the Applications is immediately corrected.

    There is no commitment under this Agreement regarding the location and promotion for the Applications. The Developer agrees that Dream Playstore allows Users to rate the Applications and write their opinions about them. The ratings of the Applications can be used to determine their positioning in Dream Playstore. In addition, there is no warranty regarding any commercial or sales result deriving from making the Applications available through Dream Playstore.

    Dream Playstore does not warrant that Dream Playstore is fault free or free of interruptions and shall have no liability to the Developer for any failure of Dream Playstore, whether of a technical or other nature. Operation of Dream Playstore may be suspended for improvement and corrective or preventive maintenance purposes, with a reasonable commercial effort to keep the suspension as short as possible.

    Dream Playstore reserves the right to change Dream Playstore and the services provided through it (including supporting it by advertising revenue and display advertisement and promotions, based on content, queries or other information; and including the provision of Applications on a chargeable basis when determined by the Developer), or impose limits or restrictions to its use, or any part thereof, at any time, with or without notice.

    1. The ownership of any intellectual property rights in the Applications shall remain with the Developer or its licensors and Dream Playstore or Dream Playstore Affiliates shall not acquire any right, title or interest in or to any Applications, other than the licenses set forth below. Title, risk of loss, responsibility for and control over the Applications shall, at all times, remain with the Developer.

      The Developer grants Dream Playstore and Dream Playstore Affiliates, who accept, a non-exclusive, royalty free, worldwide license to:

      a) use, copy, run, perform, analyze and edit the Applications for evaluation and quality assurance purposes and monitor compliance with this Agreement (directly by Dream Playstore or Dream Playstore Affiliates or by any third party designated for such purpose).
      b) host, copy, display, promote, offer, market, distribute, make available to Users and allow Users to download the Applications through and in the operation and marketing of Dream Playstore (including the granting of licenses to Users), and making improvements to Dream Playstore.
      c) use, display and create materials derived of the Applications (including materials provided together with the Applications, materials published by the Developer regarding the Applications and the trademarks of the Developers and the Applications), for the promotion and marketing of Dream Playstore (including running promotional activities) or the availability of the Applications in Dream Playstore or the services provided through Dream Playstore.

      Such licenses shall be in force during the period that Applications are available on Dream Playstore (e.g. until Applications are removed by Developer as provided under the following Clause).

    2. The Users shall be authorized and granted a non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual license to run, display and use the Applications downloaded in the Devices through Dream Playstore subject to any EULA established by the Developer within each Application, which shall be consistent and subject in any case to this Agreement. Such EULA shall be solely between the Developer and the User and the Developer is solely responsible for it conforming to applicable laws.

    1. This Agreement will take effect from its acceptance by the Developer and will remain in effect indefinitely until the Developer removes all Applications from Dream Playstore by using the tools provided on Dream Playstore and cancels its Developer Account terminating Dream Playstore’s and Dream Playstore Affiliates’ distribution rights so that no Application is available for distribution on Dream Playstore.

      In case the Developer removes only part of the Applications, this Agreement shall cease to apply to the removed Applications and those removed Applications shall not be available for distribution on Dream Playstore.

      Upon termination or removal, the Applications shall be deleted from Dream Playstore, provided that Dream Playstore or Dream Playstore Affiliates may keep a copy of the Applications for the purpose of legitimate technical support of existing Users.

      The removal of any Application to prevent further distribution through Dream Playstore: a) does not affect the license to Users who have acquired or downloaded the Application prior to its removal; b) does not delete the Application from Devices or from any other location on Dream Playstore where acquired applications and downloads may have been stored on the User’s behalf.

    2. Dream Playstore is not under any obligation to supervise or control the Applications or their content. If Dream Playstore, at its own discretion or at the request of any third party, determines that an Application: a) infringes any applicable laws or third party rights; b) breaches this Agreement (including any policies or criteria referred to in it); c) infringes agreements with Device manufacturers and authorized providers; or d) otherwise causes a negative impact for Dream Playstore, Dream Playstore Affiliates or its authorized providers, or if it creates an obligation of any kind or there are complaints by Users about the content or quality of the Application; Dream Playstore reserves the right to reject the Application, by removing, suspending, and/or reclassifying it on Dream Playstore.

      Upon termination of this Agreement, the Developer shall immediately cease all use of Dream Playstore. Dream Playstore will not be liable for compensation, indemnity, or damages as a result of terminating this Agreement in accordance with its terms, without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have.

    1. The Developer represents and warrants to Dream Playstore and Dream Playstore Affiliates that:
      - It has all the rights, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) related to its Applications, which are necessary to assume any obligations and grant the licenses as provided in this Agreement.
      - The Applications do not infringe any third party rights and all consents, approvals and licenses required to provide, distribute and license the Applications in accordance with this Agreement have been duly obtained.
      - The Applications comply with all requirements and obligations in this Agreement.
      - The Applications are not subject to any use, export, re-export, import, sell or transfer limitations under any applicable laws.
      - Uploading, listing, marketing, distributing, installing and using the Applications in Dream Playstore do not violate any agreements to which the Developer is a party or of which the Developer is otherwise aware.
      - The Applications do not contain any viruses, hidden content, hacking capabilities, purposes or properties, or other malicious applications (including, for example, any “trap doors,” “worms,” “Trojans,” or “time bombs”) or other unauthorized or hidden programs, and do not collect any User information without its consent.
      - The Applications do not contain any unauthorized third party content or prohibited content and comply with the applicable laws of each jurisdiction, including foreign export control laws.
      - The information provided within the Developer Account is true, accurate, current and complete.
      - The Applications shall protect the privacy and data protection of Users.
    2. In particular and without limitation, when using third party material, the Developer represents and warrants that the Developer has the rights to distribute such third party material within the Applications. The Developer undertakes that it shall not upload or make available through Dream Playstore any material subject to third party intellectual property rights unless the Developer is the owner of the aforementioned third party intellectual property rights or has been duly authorized by the legitimate owner to upload or display such third party material.
    3. The Developer represents and warrants that it and its Applications are in compliance with all applicable laws.
    4. The Developer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Dream Playstore and Dream Playstore Affiliates from and against any and all third party claims and all liabilities assessments, losses, costs or damages resulting from or arising out of any breach by the Developer of this Agreement, any separate written agreement relating to Dream Playstore and/or any of the warranties herein.

    1. Each of the Parties must bear its own costs in connection with the performance of this Agreement and fulfilment of the obligations herein.
    2. Revenue share only applies to Developers and Dream Playstore when the Applications distributed through Dream Playstore include offers for In-App Products (as defined below) that are managed through the in-app service provided by Dream Playstore. In case In-App Products are offered through any service other than that provided by Dream Playstore, no revenue share will apply and Developer shall not have to pay any amount for such reason to Dream Playstore. For the purposes herein “In-App Products” mean digital products that are intended to be accessed or used within the Application, such as additional or enhanced functionalityies, media content, or subscription access to content or services.

      The price (“Price”) for the purchase of the In-App Products will be solely determined by the Developer. If at any point Dream Playstore was to set out any pricing guidelines then the Developer agrees that the In-App Products managed through the in-app service provided by Dream Playstore must be priced in accordance with any such pricing guidelines established by Dream Playstore.

      The Developer shall be responsible for claims arising from the change of the Price, for transition from free to paid In-App Products and for termination of the In-App Products.

      Should an Application distributed through Dream Playstore have In-App Products, Users must be made aware of this, prior to the purchase of such feature in a clear and transparent manner. During the payment process for In-App Products, the Developer must ensure that the User consents to pay and must make the User aware that such payment shall be made, without limiting and in addition to any applicable requirements under applicable regulations.

      The Developer is solely responsible for any and all liabilities arising from or in connection to the In-App Products and for its compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. In-App Products managed through the in-app service provided by Dream Playstore must also comply with policies and distribution criteria established for Dream Playstore from time to time.

      The revenue share between the Developer and Dream Playstore arising from the sale or distribution of In-App Products managed through the in-app service provided by Dream Playstore shall be 20% of the Net Revenues for Dream Playstore and 80% of the Net Revenues for the Developer. “Net Revenues” for the purposes of this paragraph means the difference between (i) the total amount paid by the User in connection with the In-App Product, and (ii) any applicable taxes, any reasonable transaction costs (including without limitation any currency exchange costs and the separate fee charged to the User in relation to processing of payments) and any cancellation or reverse charges, and (iii) refunded amounts, bad debts, cancelled amounts or other amounts of similar nature. If the Application is free and does not have In-App purchases, the Developer and Dream Playstore will not be entitled to receive any amounts.

      The revenue share corresponding to the Developer shall be displayed in the Developer Account and paid by Dream Playstore to the Developer under the terms herein provided and any other terms applicable as made available through the Developer Account. The Developer may decide at any time to withdraw its revenue share from its Developer Account, provided that the minimum to proceed with the withdrawal of such earning is one thousand Euros (1.000 €).

      The Developer shall provide Dream Playstore with all financial, tax and banking information requested in order to make payment of amounts owed under this Agreement and to comply with any KYC, money laundering or similar obligations that may apply. In particular, the Developer shall submit to Dream Playstore the following details: - a legal and valid email address for correspondence. - a legal and valid document evidencing the identity, such as a Tax Identification Number or a Tax Residence Certificate. - a legal and valid bank account and other bank information where its is to receive the revenue share of the In-App Products.

      The Developer will notify Dream Playstore of any changes to the required information. Failure to provide such information, or failure to keep such information current and accurate, may result in removal of the relevant Application from Dream Playstore and payments to the Developer being withheld.

      Dream Playstore will issue an invoice on behalf of the Developer within the first five (5) days of the month following the withdrawal by the Developer. After 2 years from the date in which the Developer is entitled to withdraw the revenue share as provided above, if the Developer has not requested the withdrawal or has failed to provide the documentation as required for Dream Playstore to be able to make the relevant payments, then the Developer’s right to receive such revenue share older than 2 years will expire and Dream Playstore shall retain such amounts that will be for all purposes regarded as Dream Playstore additional revenues. Additionally Dream Playstore is entitled to request any Developer to withdraw the full revenue shares available under the relevant Developer Account (even if below the limit set out for an ordinary withdrawal to be permitted) and any Developer failing to do so within a period of 3 months (including by not providing to Dream Playstore the documentation required to make such payments as provided herein) shall be deemed to have been finally waived by the Developer and the relevant amounts shall be retained by Dream Playstore and considered as Dream Playstore additional revenues.

      Dream Playstore shall apply and deduct any withholding taxes to payments to the Developer under applicable law.

      The Developer agrees that any payment of Net Revenues may be withheld in the event of a breach of this Agreement, of any applicable laws or if any amounts are owed by the Developer to Dream Playstore or to any Dream Playstore Affiliate.

      In the event the currency of payment from User is different from the currency of the payment agreed with the Developer, all expenses and foreign exchange costs associated with completing the required foreign exchange conversions shall be deducted of the relevant payment.

      The Developer will bear the bank fees charged to Dream Playstore relating to payments made to the Developer. Dream Playstore will be entitled to deduct such fees from the revenue share due to the Developer.

      The Developer shall be responsible of complying with tax regulations applicable to its activity and cooperate with Dream Playstore furnishing any documentation required for Dream Playstore to comply with its tax obligations.

      The Developer shall not take any action which is aimed at deviating from Dream Playstore the generation of revenue arising from the In-App Products that are managed through the in-app service provided by Dream Playstore in a way that it would reduce the amount that Dream Playstore is entitled to receive from the relevant In-App Products. In particular and without limitation, any trial version of any Application distributed through Dream Playstore should generate Net Revenues subject to the revenue share between the Developer and Dream Playstore if and when it generates any revenue from In-App Products that are managed through the in-app service provided by Dream Playstore. Failure to comply with this restriction entitles Dream Playstore to receive the amounts that it would have otherwise received and suspend the relevant Developer Account and the distribution of its Applications through Dream Playstore, without limiting other actions available to Dream Playstore. In any case, Dream Playstore will be entitled to offset the amounts due by the Developer hereunder with any other amounts that the Developer would be entitled to receive from Dream Playstore.

    1. If there is any collection of personal data related to the Users (hereinafter, "User Information"), the Developer will be solely responsible for protecting privacy and legal rights of Users and guaranteeing the confidentiality of that User Information, ensuring that the collection, processing, storage and transmission of the User Information is in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations and laws, including the laws protecting personal data. Furthermore, the Applications may only use that User Information for the limited purposes for which the User has given consent to do so or for which the Developer is entitled according to applicable laws. If the Applications store personal or sensitive information provided by Users, the Developers agree to do so securely and only for as long as it is needed. The Developer will ensure that the aforesaid processing is undertaken in a lawful manner. The Applications must comply with all applicable privacy laws and regulations.
    2. The Developer will refrain from transferring User Information to Dream Playstore or to any Dream Playstore Affiliate in a manner that could violate any rule, regulation or law, being liable if it does so.
    3. The Developer will implement such physical, technical, organizational and administrative measures as may be necessary to protect the User Information collected in connection with the Applications from any unauthorised use, alteration, disclosure, distribution or access.
    4. In case the Developer access any data about the Users purchasing In-App Products provided through Dream Playstore for the purposes of the revenue share set forth in Clause 7.2, the Developer shall only use such data for the management of such revenue share and not for other purpose, complying with any requirement under any applicable regulations.

    1. Dream Playstore’s and Dream Playstore Affiliates’ liability for damages, whether based on negligence, breach of contract, breach of warranty or any other basis, regardless of whether the damage may be foreseen, will be limited to the actual damages suffered by the Developer. Dream Playstore and Dream Playstore Affiliates’ will not be liable for any other kind of damages, including, without limitation, lost profits, lost data or business interruption.
    2. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event will Dream Playstore's and Dream Playstore Affiliates’ total liability to the Developer for any damages, deriving from or related to this Agreement, exceed the total amount of the Developer’s revenue share under this Agreement during the last 12 months or the amount of EUR 10,000, whichever is higher.
    3. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Developer understands and expressly agrees that its use of Dream Playstore is solely at its risk and that the information, documents, software and other materials contained on Dream Playstore are provided “as is”. Dream Playstore and Dream Playstore Affiliates do not warrant or guarantee that Uptodow will be:

      (a) compatible with all or any hardware and software;
      (b) available all the time or at any specific time, uninterrupted, secure or error free; or
      (c) suitable for your requirements or meet any specific level of performance or functionality.

      To the fullest extent permitted by law, Dream Playstore and Dream Playstore Affiliates expressly exclude all representations, conditions, warranties or other terms which apply to Dream Playstore and associated content/information including any implied warranties of satisfactory quality, merchantability, fitness for a particular or any purpose or non-infringement which might otherwise apply but for this Clause.

      If in a relevant jurisdiction, these limitations and exclusions are not permitted then our liability shall be limited and excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

    1. Dream Playstore may make changes to this Agreement from time to time. In such cases, Dream Playstore will make a new copy of the Agreement available at Dream Playstore and any new additional terms will be made available to the Developer from within, or through, Dream Playstore and may, but it is not obliged to, provide a notice to the Developer. Changes to the Agreement will become effective and be deemed accepted by Developer: (a) immediately for Developers registering a Developer Account and entering into the Agreement, after the notification is posted; or (b) for pre-existing Developers, on the date specified in the notice or publication, which will be no sooner than 30 days after the changes are posted (except for changes required by law which will be effective immediately). If the Developer does not agree with the changes, it must terminate this Agreement and its Developer Account and its use of Dream Playstore, being this the only and exclusive remedy in such regard. The continued use of Dream Playstore by the Developer after the date of entering into force of the change of this Agreement, will be deemed as an agreement by the Developer to the modified terms of this Agreement.
    2. The Developer agrees that Dream Playstore may provide it with notices, including those regarding changes to the Agreement, by email, regular mail, or postings on Dream Playstore.
    3. The Developer may not transfer, assign, charge or otherwise dispose of this Agreement, or any of your rights or obligations arising under it, without our prior written consent. Dream Playstore may transfer, assign, charge, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of this Agreement, or any of our rights or obligations arising under it, at any time during its term.
    4. Any notice that a Party wishes or is required to give to the other under this Agreement must be in English and in writing, and addressed to the attention of the appropriate person by certified mail at the address of the corresponding Party as indicated below:

      a) If the Notice is addressed to Dream Playstore: contact@appbunny.tv. To the attention of: Legal
      b) If the Notice is addressed to the Developer, to the address for that purpose appearing in the Developer Account.

      If the deadline for giving a notice is Saturday, Sunday or a national holiday, the term for giving it will be extended to the following business day.

    1. This Agreement is governed by the general laws of the kingdom of Spain. Any dispute between the parties in relation to this Agreement shall be resolved by the courts and tribunals of the city of Málaga, waiving any right to any other jurisdiction.