

Digital Millennium Copyright Act:

If you believe that any content available on our websites, including those hosted at APPBunny.tv, violates your copyright(s), please inform us by submitting a DMCA notice. Once we receive a valid and complete notice, we will promptly remove the infringing material and make an effort to contact the user who uploaded it via email.

But before you proceed, let us tell you about the advantages of having your app published on Dream Playstore. It gives your app a competitive edge by increasing its visibility and popularity in a widely-used marketplace. If your app is already published on Dream Playstore, you can claim authorship at any time.

To have complete control over your app, simply register for free on our Developers Zone and navigate to the Claim section. Once your ownership is verified, you can send us updates for your app, which we will publish. You'll have direct communication with our content team and access to your download statistics from there.

If, however, you still wish to have your app removed, please fill out this DMCA form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.